Part SevenSome Of Them Were MilitaryIn Part Six, you read about some of Lisa's experiences that she described as having occurred in government facilities and involving military and other government personnel. In this section I will cover some of the events and the people I saw in what appeared to me to be similar facilities. [23] One of my oddest experiences involved what I call "Type Three Greys" and a base situated next to a large body of water. I couldn't place the specific branch of the military to which this base belonged, but I did see humans wearing uniforms, Grey aliens, and many cigar-shaped craft. I also knew my way around the base, as if I had been there several times before. [24] The above ground portion of the base was simple: a lot of concrete and a lot of cigar-shaped craft parked within a huge chain-link fence. There was a concrete bulkhead against the water, and two large warehouse-type structures. However, once inside and beneath the structures, nothing was simple anymore. "There is a place under here where water can come in. It is like a man-made river system about twenty feet wide. It is to my right. There are some military people here and they are telling us about a newly designed craft. Suddenly, one of the cigar-shaped craft appears next to me in this area where the water is. I'm flabbergasted! Neither I nor anyone else in this place with me heard or saw this craft enter into this place...Okay, they were trying to demonstrate that it is completely silent. I think it must be able to appear and disappear quite easily. Everyone around me seems impressed. I'm impressed too, but at the same time, I am very guarded." [25] Dr. Richard Sauder addresses the unusual subject of "Undersea Ports" in his book, Underground Bases and Tunnels. According to documents obtained by Sauder: "The Naval Facilities Engineering Command issued a report in 1972 that discussed placing several sorts of Navy installations underground." [26] One of the types of facilities listed for placement underground were referred to as "aircraft maintenance facilities." Dr. Sauder continues, "Interestingly, while the report is devoted to a discussion of the merits for the Navy of underground installations, there is also a brief, passing mention made of possible needs for 'undersea ports' and emplacements that would service a future, submarine Navy." [27] It seems that over twenty years ago, the Navy was studying the feasibility of building underground facilities and was at least considering the idea of adding undersea ports as well. Since the Air Force and the Army have underground facilities, why wouldn't the Navy have them as well? This is not the only experience I have had during which I saw Navy personnel, but it is one of the more curious. I will cover another, more recent experience later in this paper, but first I want to divert back to the topic of mind control. For those people who still find it impossible to believe there is any relationship between mind control experiments, abductees, and underground facilities, consider the following excerpt from an experience that occurred to me in 1992: "I'm inside now and I feel as though I am in a deep, underground structure. I've been here before and this place is very familiar to me...These people down here - I know they are working for a secret part of our government and I don't like what they are doing..." "I'm looking at a cart with wheels on it. Someone has rolled it into this room - It has a projector on it. I'm looking around this place...Somehow I know this place - I've been here before. These people are part of our government, but at the same time they are above the government...I'm not even sure the President knows about these people." "I'm looking at the projector and I realize that I'm not going to get any answers. I'm going to have to watch that damn film again and undergo indoctrination procedures again! I've had to do this before. When you don't cooperate you have to be reprogrammed again. I'm being escorted to another room." [28] I still cannot remember what I, and the other people who were with me were forced to watch on the film. Here again is another experience that had the same reality to it that an "alien" abduction has, except in this last example, there were no aliens present. Why would I, and the other people who were with me in this underground facility need to be programmed, much less reprogrammed? And, what does this have to do with an "alien" abduction? The following examples are excerpts from my books and journals covering different types information relating to underground and above ground facilities.
1993: A Coalition "The next thing I can remember is being on a secret base. At first I thought it was a NATO base because I saw different craft from different countries all located within the same base. Also, my first impression of these craft were that they were buses. It was extremely dark and I was riding in something that resembled a bus. It was tubular-shaped, had rows of seats, but had an open top. I was riding in this vehicle and looking at the different tubes or unusual buses that were parked on this base under hangars. The first group I saw that were parked close to one another had something in Russian written on a crest that was metal. This crest was about two feet long and more oblong than round, and was located at the top, front of the tube, craft, or vehicle. When I saw the first group I couldn't make out what the words said because I cannot read Russian. Then we passed another group that were parked near one another, and on the crest of these, I could read "British Intelligence." These crests were royal blue and a shiny stainless steel or silver metal. This is when I thought I might be on a NATO base. I don't know why, other than that is the only explanation my mind could come up with, as to why British Intelligence and the Russians would be working together." [29]
1993: Cloning "I remember being taken to a base that was situated inside of a mountain. The entrance was at ground level but this place went deep underground. I was with members of our government. Some of them were military. At the entrance, as I was looking at the large metal wall that held the door into this place, I was being told that the government was performing cloning experiments. Men and women were being cloned, experimented on, and then when the experiments were over they were being used for prostitution; for the scientists, government people, and military personnel. After they were 'through' with them or no longer wanted them, the clones were killed." [30]
1995: A Test "I was in a small room with several men. We were sitting on a bench-like thing together. I got up and looked at them, and although they all appeared to be human, I knew one of them was an alien. I could feel it. I stood in front of them and I said, 'One of you is an alien, I can sense it.' " "Suddenly, a man in his fifties bolted up and began running though this medical-military compound firing a weapon at anyone who was in his way. By my detecting this 'alien' I had started chaos in this place. But, it was my job. It was why I was there. It was a test." [31]
1995: Staging "Erik [my husband] and I were in some kind of large building. I felt it was underground and possibly a government building. The lighting was rather dim, but enough to see fine with. There were wide hallways (about eight feet wide), concrete (block) walls, and neutral floors (no carpet). We were standing in a hallway and we saw three or four men escorting an alien through this place. The men were acting cautiously and secretive as if they didn't want anyone to see this alien. We saw all of them together and when we did we became excited and tried to follow them. After all, they were with an alien and we were aware of what we were looking at." Description "The men were of average height and build and were all wearing black jump-suits. They were similar to what swat teams wear, but without any insignia or bullet proof vests. The black jump-suits were made of material and were worn to fit, but were not tight." "The alien was wearing the same type of black jump-suit that his escorts were wearing. The alien was also as tall as the men and it appeared to be a male. This is just something I 'felt' or somehow 'knew.' The alien was about 5' 9'' to 5' 11'' tall (like the men he was with). He appeared to be somewhat concerned that he would be seen and detected. I think they must have seen us looking at them and then they all kind of freaked. It was obvious no one was supposed to see these men escorting this alien through this building."
I didn't focus my attention on the alien's hands or feet, but I did see his legs. He clearly had more body mass than any of the aliens I have seen before (with the exception of The Blonde). He stood and walked on his legs as did the men he was with. Interestingly, the alien seemed almost scared and was definitely under the control or command of the humans he was with. It was almost as if you were seeing the FBI or someone escorting either a prisoner or someone who was in protective custody. It is curious that this alien's body looked so similar to the humans he was with. Because of this, as well as his mechanistic "eye," it is possible that this was not an alien at all, but rather, a human dressed to appear like an alien. In other words, I believe this was probably a "staged" event. The purposes behind this staging are not clear to me, unless I was supposed to associate the FBI or some other government agency with aliens and then disseminate the (dis)information to the UFO community.
Abduction Step-By-Step A very in-depth look at an experience that occurred in July of 1995 follows. This is a rather lengthy and detailed account in which I take each paragraph directly from my journal, and analyze and discuss it before moving on to the next event. I have found that a lot can be learned by analyzing an experience in such a manner. It is important to understand, that like all of my experiences I've documented since December of 1988 (as well as prior to April of 1988), this experience was remembered consciously - without the use of hypnosis. The following information that is enclosed in "parentheses" is verbatim from my journal. It is presented exactly as I experienced and remembered it. My comments and analysis are enclosed in [brackets]. It was the thirtieth of July 1995, and I went to bed around midnight: "I'm in a vehicle on a road that looks similar to TV Highway. [A road not too far from my house.] I'm at an intersection. Across the street in the other lane is a male with orangish hair and skin. He's a doctor. I'm looking at him across what must really be a 'divider' of some kind. I ask him, 'Is this the way to the hospital?' thinking 'to my left' and he replies, speaking to me telepathically, 'No. It's that way,' as he looks toward my right. I begin to turn toward my right."
"Instantaneously, this male is beside me to my right. We're still in some kind of vehicle, but now we are together. I'm looking out the front window and I feel I must be in control. No. I think he wants me to believe I'm in control of the craft. We are moving at a very steep angle, looks as if the sky is changing from nighttime to a lighter blue and I sense that we are surrounded by water - that there is water beneath us. We're on a bridge, but it is going upward at such a steep angle, I can't see the end of it. 'Are we going to fall off the end? Is there an end to this bridge?' I ask him. 'No, we're not going to fall off. It's an optical illusion.' "
"This Being is telepathically tuning into my thoughts about a time in my childhood. Sometimes when our family would be driving, it would look like the road ends, but it was an optical illusion involving distance and that 'point of disappearance.' My mother or father would turn to me and smile and say, 'Don't worry. It's just an optical illusion.' The Being is using this information to explain what I'm seeing out the front window of this vehicle. He is also smiling at me. I can sense it, so it must be a 'telepathic smile.' "
"Now, suddenly, we have banked sharply to the right and we're making a hairpin turn - going back in the same direction from which we just came. Now we're heading downward at a very steep angle. We're moving very fast - very fast - swoosh! Now there is water around us - I see a tube. We must be in a tube that is open to the top. Like one of those rides at a fair. The water all around us is splashing upward and it has a yellow tint to it. This is weird."
"Okay. Now I'm in the cafeteria of a hospital with this doctor. He is showing me a diamond ring he is wearing. It's just like the one I bought Erik. 'Oh, that's nice,' I'm thinking to him. He is tuning in to my thoughts. Telepathically, he picks up on a time a long time ago when I first met Erik and Erik told me how he appreciated beautiful things. Works of art, porcelains... Now this doctor Being is putting on a larger diamond ring. This time, it's a woman's ring. The diamond is much larger, too large for a man to wear. Inside I laugh, but I tell him, 'Oh, that's nice too.' From tuning in to my thoughts he knows that I'm telling a 'white lie' so to speak. He's in telepathic contact with me. I'm feeling things about him that I should only feel for Erik. I feel desire for him, but I tell myself I'm married. It's okay to feel, as long as I don't act. He's really tuning into me now. I'm always attracted to him for some reason."
"Okay. Now I'm in the hospital part of this place. I've just finished filling out some paperwork for the medical facility and a young woman with brunette hair is taking the forms from me. I know her. She was in my business management class eleven years ago. I let on that I know her and she looks at my forms and then back at me. Suddenly a look forms on her face that speaks surprise and dread. She has put "two and two" together. She knows I'm an abductee and the author of Alien Jigsaw. She's very disturbed by the fact that I'm an abductee. She says, 'You didn't tell any of the doctors about this did you?' I reply, 'Well, only one,' meaning the Tan Being. (I think the telepathic doctor with the orangish skin and hair is the Tan Doctor.) [34] He was using camouflage. He didn't want me to remember him."
"The young brunette woman is really worried for me now. She says, 'You shouldn't have told anyone, especially a doctor.' She takes my forms back to her desk and that's it. No more conversation. She doesn't want to have anything to do with me. She doesn't want to know about this. Now she's going to have to pretend she doesn't know me. I'm on my own. No one here will ever stick their neck out for an abductee."
"I'm going through the doors into the medical area and I'm passing an African-American female nurse and another nurse's station. I'm walking though the place..."
"I'm in the examination area. I'm looking at a white female nurse. She is standing with her back to her little corner work station. To my right is the hallway that I just came in from, to my left is a row of small examination rooms: metal tables, white curtains for privacy. There are rooms to my right as well, but the majority of the rooms are to my left. The nurse looks similar to a nurse that was on the program Nurses a year or so ago. She looks familiar. She looks human in every way, but the fact that she looks like one of the TV nurses is suspect. She is peeling two sheets of a clear type of paper apart. She's handing it to me. I take the sheet she hands me. It's clear and it feels as thick as a microfiche film. It's about 8 inches by 7 inches. It's a DNA file. It contains everything you could ever want to know about someone's DNA. The nurse says, 'We need your permission.' I'm looking at this film and I'm really angry. 'I'm here for a gynecological exam and nothing more! What the hell do you need this for?' "
"The nurse then grabs a small newspaper clipping and shoves it in my face. I look at it and it says that our government has begun collecting a complete DNA file on every American citizen. I tell the nurse, 'I'm not giving you my permission. I'm here for an exam, nothing more.' I walk away from her and continue down the hallway. She is following me, and a human doctor comes out of his office after I walk by. He looks to be about sixty, has gray hair and has a medium to thin build. He's wearing a white lab coat and slacks. The nurse tells him, 'She wouldn't agree to it,' and the doctor replies in a serious tone, 'Well, we'll do whatever it takes to make her agree.' "
"I'm in a large room at the end of the hallway and next to this doctor's personal office. I'm still angry and I'm looking around the room waiting for someone. This room appears to have a regular looking double size bed in it. The doctor is walking into the room now. He's getting into the bed. He's - someone here is telepathic. I'm feeling telepathy now: 'Your marriage is really bad. It's a meaningless relationship...' Now, somehow - telepathy - those feelings I had for the Tan Doctor are being infused into my mind. The feelings I have for him...the vision of the ring on his finger...our conversation...This doctor is lying on his back under the covers and in the bed. Is he doing this to me, or is the Tan Doctor here with me? I know what's going on. Someone is trying to use my thoughts against me. Before the "desire" and confusion is to be implanted into my mind, I bolt for the door."
"I'm running down the hallway...passing the examination rooms...around the nurse's corner my the hallway is much more narrow and I tell myself, 'I'm so glad I memorized my way in here.' As I'm running I'm picking out mental sign posts I memorized on my way in. I'm inside a ship or a submarine. The floor is gray metal, the walls are all lined with built-in compartments, just like on a ship. The cabinets are like a baby-blue color or a royal blue color and they all have shiny silver hinges and locks on them. Everything has to be bolted down or closed. Everything I'm seeing as I'm running tells me I'm on a ship. I'm running and turning to my right. There's something - a ladder-like stairway blocking my path. There are some Navy guys wearing white enlisted uniforms looking at me like, 'What the hell are you doing here?' " [end of memory]
The following notes from my journal may tell as much about this experience as the memory itself. Again, these are unedited from my journal. Some of the statements are personal and graphic, but I feel it is important for the reader to get the full effect of both the experience and its aftermath, so I am publishing all of the details.
Notes From My Journal "I awakened at 9:30 a.m. and although I don't remember how I made it downstairs, I walked into the kitchen and saw that Erik had already made coffee. I had difficulty opening my eyes and I could barely stand. I took the coffee he offered me and sat down. I was really angry and frustrated. I asked Erik, "What do you remember?" and he replied, "I don't remember anything." I immediately told him, "They took me somewhere - F---ing human beings took me somewhere last night." My mind was racing, I mean literally in hyper-drive. I remembered everything consciously and immediately. I felt repulsed. I knew at least one alien, the Tan Doctor, had been a part of it, but everyone else was human. And, it's no coincidence that the times I've seen the Tan Doctor, other humans, (military) have been involved. The Tan Doctor is a hybrid alien. Anyway, I hated the humans. I told Erik what happened. As I was talking, Erik began telling me what he remembered. Just by talking about what happened to me, Erik remembered what we believe was a screen (threat) of sorts. He remembers 1) a boat, 2) flood or a lot of water, 3) a boat going down streets looking for someone, 4) found some people but not who he was looking for, 5) SAR (search and rescue) personnel, and American Indians. He also remembers threatening to expose someone. A man took a gun and began shooting around him. He fired six shots...This man then told Erik, 'With two phone calls I could arrange to have you killed...' "
Physical Aftereffects "Sunday morning: Extreme disorientation, extreme hyper-neuronal activity, but I can't seem to focus on the task at hand; anger, feelings of violation, vision (convergence) problems, short-term memory problems, trouble getting my thoughts focused. My head feels sore, as if my 'brain' hurts. It's really my whole head area, inside and out. It's just a bruised feeling. I also had a yellow liquid (instead of stool) coming out of me when I tried to use the bathroom, but nothing would come out except a yellow gel-like substance. This continued throughout the day. I should have been able to go, but I don't think there was anything there. What is also difficult about the aftermath of this experience is that I feel as if I should get out of the phenomenon, stop what I'm doing: the publishing, writing, research. I just want a normal life. I want to move. I want to disappear. I also think I'll get my hair cut. Have already cut seven inches off, but somehow, I feel as if I should change my appearance. I seem to hate everything I am all of the sudden. I wonder if someone didn't hypnotize me and program me to feel this way? 8-2-95: It has now been three days since this experience and I'm beginning to feel better. My vision is still bothering me, I've had a mild headache all week, but not any bad migraine pain. I can go to the bathroom now. What still troubles me is that I feel as if my brain is "firing" or working overtime, and I'm having trouble staying focused on my work. Overall, I feel much better than I felt on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I've been thinking about the disorientation I suffered after this experience. If I fell (because of the ladder or stairway) and hit my head, I haven't been able to pinpoint a location for the head pain. My entire head was sore, as well as underneath my scalp (actual brain?). I'm beginning to wonder if some kind of alteration was made to me. If these were aliens using camouflage, could they have done something to my brain? If they were humans and really abducted me for the purposes of my agreeing to give them a complete DNA work-up, could they have given me some kind electric shock treatment?" [End Journal Notes]
What Was It? This is typical of one of my more involved memories. It is long and has many details. To try to determine what is real and what is not real, what is human and what is alien, is extremely difficult, as you have just seen for yourself. Even I cannot answer all of the questions that I ask in my [comment and discussion] sections about this experience. After this experience, I decided that I had been abducted by the Tan Being and taken to a Navy ship in the Pacific Ocean, not far from where I live. I believe the ship was used to provide cover for a hospital facility in which scientists connected with the military and black-ops could carry out medical tests on me. The hybrid was then responsible for returning me to my home. This does not sound too outlandish when you consider past reports from other abductees of military involvement, and the high speed and maneuverability of alien craft, UFOs if you will. It is possible, however, that this was strictly an alien experience and the aliens are far more adept at manipulation and disinformation than we give them credit for. But I have to ask what their motive would be. Why not just take me to their craft and let me see them as they really appear? They would have nothing to lose, unless they want to create the illusion of military, and therefore, government involvement in the abduction of American citizens. In view of the information about mind control technology, this experience and many others like it, can be interpreted in a very different light. It is for this reason that I am making information such as this public. I hope that other researchers and abductees who come to this site and read my information, as well as Lisa's information, understand how difficult it is for us to share such personal experiences with complete strangers. We have decided to do this because, above all else, we are interested in the truth. I must emphasize again, the only way to get to the truth is to tell the truth - the whole truth - not just the "truth" that fits with our current theories of alien abduction. # # # The next section of Project Open Mind is Part Eight and is titled Looking Back. Topics include "The Controllers Revisited" and animal mutilations. ©1993-1996 Katharina Wilson. All Rights Reserved. Puzzle Publishing, PO Box 230023, Portland, Oregon, 97281-0023, USA. The preceding is reproduced with permission of the Author. Permission is given to reproduce and redistribute in printed form, for non-commerical purposes only, provided the information and the copy remain intact and unedited. |
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